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Whose voice do you hear when you listen to other people's voices, and even to your own voice? Who is behind your voices, as if connecting with an umbilical cord to those spheres to which this or that person is “connected”? Yes, yes, leaving the womb of our mother, losing the umbilical cord connecting us with her, we still retain an invisible connection with those “maternal” spheres from which our spirit came. But are all those living on Earth highly spiritual people? No and again no, unfortunately!.. We are forced to state the fact that here … [Read more...]

Creators - Create, Architects - design and build

The structure of the Universe is very diverse, and it is impossible to accommodate in the Procrustean bed the entire scale of Knowledge that humanity has been endowed with from the Hour of the Creation of the planet Earth. And yet, many people are still trying to do this by separating from a single whole that which is not yet available to their consciousness. And the levels of consciousness have a very diverse spectrum of sound: from low-frequency to those inexpressible quantities, the "measurement" of which is already the lot of Eternity. A huge number of representatives of others ...  [Read more...]

Coronation of viruses continues...

The "coronation" of viruses continues, and it is quite active... Many of you know that there are Seven Kingdoms, conditionally subdivided into the Kingdom of Minerals (corresponding to the physical body of a person), the Kingdom of Plants (the substance of Life, Prana), the Kingdom of Animals (Astral body), the Human Kingdom (AnimalSoul), the Kingdom of the Human Soul (Manas), the Kingdom of the Spiritual Soul (Buddhi), the Kingdom of the Universal Spirit (Atma). But few people know that on planet Earth, below the Kingdom ...  [Read more...]

Is sickness a visitation from the Lord?

Is sickness always a visitation from the Lord? Yes and no! It all depends on who you need to visit, and most importantly - what is the cause of the disease. From ancient sources it is known that there are three types of diseases: sacred, karmic and admitted. As a rule, the Lord visits those whose illness is classified as sacred. But this is not alwayshappens - the rule has its exceptions. Karmic diseases, on the other hand, involve repayment of debts by fifty-one percent in order to have the right of Protection ...  [Read more...]

Coronavirus and non-coronaviruses

Each of the comets flying towards the Earth has its own passengers, which are of various forms, from visible to invisible to the "eye" of the microscope. Living bacteria stuffed with viruses make unimaginably long flights in intergalactic space. Whether guided by their own will, they go on long journeys, plunging into the spheres of advancement of many planets? - Yes and no! There is a clear relationship between certain cosmic bodies included in one or another ...  [Read more...]

Philosophy of Space Ecology (Germany, 2013)

The current stage in the development of science throughout the world is manifested in the desire to link together the physical processes occurring in outer space with terrestrial phenomena. Threats of a global ecological crisis hang over mankind, not only in the form of various tsunamis and earthquakes, but also in the form of solar flares, or invasions of the so-called space aliens, one of which is the Chelyabinsk meteorite. So, a relatively new interdisciplinary direction in science, like ...  [Read more...]

Philosophy of Ecology (Russia, 2010)

Philosophical analysis of the problems associated with the specifics of education in the field of ecology is most important in the field of interaction between man and nature.   In the modern world, the number of people who are aware of the instability of their existence, who live in a state of anxiety and worries, is increasing. They are looking for a way out of the current unfavorable situation and in search of new ways create environmental movements; go to pedagogical experiments, nurture the sprouts of an alternative culture of nutrition, behavior, ... [Read more...]

Ecological education is a philosophical problem (Germany, 2009)

In the modern world, the number of people who are aware of the instability of their existence, who live in a state of anxieties and worries, is increasing. They are looking for a way out of the current unfavorable situation and in search of new ways create environmental movements; go on pedagogical experiments, nurture the sprouts of an alternative culture of nutrition, behavior, self-education, etc. Many of them are turning towards various societies in an attempt to find internal stability in this unstable world, saturated ... [Read more...]

Ideological Positioning of Russia in the International Community: Prospects for Spiritual and Moral Leadership in the Modern World (Russia, 2009)

The issues of Russia's ideological positioning in the international community require the closest attention not only from the government, statesmen, politicians, scientists, public figures, etc. Each individual person who takes an active civic position at the international level is able to significantly influence the prospects for the country's spiritual and moral leadership in the modern world. Being a historian and philosopher, for the purpose of studying the philosophical and ethical ...  [Read more...]

The Role of Personality: From the Age of Enlightenment to the 21st Century (Russia, 2009)

In the Age of Enlightenment, interest in the question of the role of the individual in history is growing rapidly. This is due to the following circumstances. On the one hand, some specific monarchs who occupied the thrones of European states in the 18th century. (similar to the French king Louis XV, who claimed: “After us, even a flood”), often did not correspond to the position of the head of the country; not engaged in state affairs, but spent time in endless entertainment. From here it was necessary to look for ways to fix ...  [Read more...]

The Problem of the Role of Personality in History: On the Way to the Synthesis of Existing Approaches (Russia, 2009)

In the question of the role of the individual in history, two directions appear most clearly: personalist and anti-personalist, which have peculiar forms of their manifestation within the Western and Eastern philosophical traditions. Today, one of the most important tasks should be solved: to synthesize the existing approaches, having previously identified the points of their contact (intersection). This is necessary for the following important reason: the personalist and anti-personalist concepts of the role of the individual in ...  [Read more...]

Theoretical and methodological grounds for considering the issue of the role of personality in history (Russia, 2009)

Resume: This article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of one of the fundamental historiosophical problems - the question of the role of personality in history. The thesis is substantiated that only people who have a significant impact on the course of the historical process should be considered in the philosophy of history. The presence of two positions is stated: personalism (recognizing the dominant role of the individual in history) and anti-personalism (denying it). It is concluded that it is necessary to search for new ...  [Read more...]

Personality and Habitat in the Modern World (Ukraine, 2008)

The world, which has crossed the threshold of the third millennium, is extremely unstable. It, like centuries ago, is shaken by interethnic, interstate, interfaith conflicts; financial and environmental crises. In the current conditions, people are actively looking for ways to counter the chaotic elements and threats emanating from the modern world. One of them is an appeal to the experience of the past, extracting useful information from it, that is, “lessons”. The thinkers of the past centuries knew that the samples ... [Read more...]

Fairy tales as a way of integrating philosophy into educational processes (Russia, 2008)

Philosophy occupies a special place in human culture. She gives “writing for reflection”, and children begin to think from the first steps in the formation of thought, from about the age of three. Fairy tales accompany them from the first days of life, and by the age of three they themselves can tell and compose fairy tales. Children, as a rule, require answers to thousands of questions, but not every answer is able to satisfy them, since new questions are immediately born that require explanation. Of course, first of all, the responsibility ...  [Read more...]

On the question of the role of personality in history: anti-personalism and personalism (Russia, 2008)

The world, which has crossed the threshold of the third millennium, is extremely unstable. It, like centuries ago, is shaken by interethnic, interstate, interfaith conflicts, financial crises. Civil wars continue in different regions of the planet (Africa, South America). With the beginning of the XXI century. Terrorism has also become a global threat. Under the current conditions, people (both ordinary citizens and state "men") are actively looking for ways to counter various threats emanating from ...  [Read more...]

Historical figures and their reflection in the process of teaching humanities in technical universities (Russia, 2008)

As a rule, the following subjects are taught in technical universities: history, philosophy, political science, and cultural studies. Each of these subjects is studied by various figures who have influenced the course of historical development. It is a universal object of these disciplines. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the features of their consideration in the process of teaching these disciplines: both general and specific. First of all, let's pay attention to the time aspect of these disciplines. History and cultural studies reveal the role of these ...  [Read more...]

Protection of human consciousness in the emerging information infrastructure of society (Germany, 2007)

In modern society, there are a number of trends leading to the most profound understanding of the nature of human nature. In the course of the evolutionary development of Homo sapiens, it was possible to isolate the first glimpses of consciousness that led this individual to the possibility of ascending by higher stages of development. And if at first a person advanced in that environment that had its own well-established rhythm at a level marked by a natural regular transition of all the forces of Nature from a certain chaotic state ...  [Read more...]

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