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Gospel of Sophia - Power and Wisdom of God

Евангелие от Софии - Силы и Премудрости Божией - Обложка.jpg


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Sophia is the eternally incomprehensible Mystery of the Cosmos. The time of Wisdom has come and Sophia reveals the path of her advancement to the earthly spheres. The narrative touches on the mystery of the Coming of the First and proclaims the Mystery of the Coming of the Second.


Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Глава I

  1. Из глубин Эонов шагнувшая повествует о богоизбранности народов, внимающих Слову Господа Бога Всемудрого.

  2. Непригляден Эон, в котором проливается Чаша Огня Божественного, да не о достоинстве, но о целесообразности речь идёт.

  3. Повествование, Словом Всемудрости Божественной полнящееся, пусть послужит подспорьем душам праведным, к Истоку Истины потянувшимся.

  4. Всеглаголие Божие наводняет мир, от Альфы до Омеги вскрывая Путь продвижения Духа Огненного.

  5. Пистис София размыкает уста, срывая печать Тайны Второй, что за пределами Первой скрыта, сложенной Двадцатью Четырьмя тайнами.

  6. Своевольный преследует Софию, но Любовь Всемудрая есть Щит её Пламенный, которым защитит она не только Себя, но и каждое сердце, воистину любящее.

  7. До Тринадцатого Эона преследователи дошли, изгоняя Силу Премудрости Божией, но, столкнувшись с Мощью Любви возросшей, опалили крылья духа собственного.

  8. О Любви Любовь повествует, устами Софии глаголя Истину, что животворила все родники Духа её Всемудрого.

  9. О гонители мои! Отчего меня преследовали вы века долгие, увлекаясь Стопами моими вплоть до Эона Тринадцатого, где познала я разделение с Духом-Утешителем моим?!

  10. Царь Духа моего Воссел на Престоле более Высоком и Воззвал ко мне из глубин Эонов, протягивая в помощь Руку, и Дал мне возможность взойти выше Высшего, опираясь на Руку Его.

  11. Повернёте ли назад или последуете выше, о Демоны сфер, представляющих Гиль плотный?

  12. Откуда вам знать, куда приведут Стопы Мои?!

  13. Но вы спешите ввысь, увлекаясь духом преследования той, которая одарила вас частицею Силы Сизигия собственного.

  14. О, вам трудно понять то, что заставляет вас изгонять из сфер своих Силу Премудрости Божественной!

  15. Любовью окутанные миры ваши и сами начинают отторгать Демонов и Демиургов собственных, когда духом Новизны начинают полниться, если их Сизигии не успевают войти в ритм вибраций обновлённых.

  16. Три Аминь сложились Единством, опору давая Премудрости Божией, но Своевольный желает разбить их, испытуя Силу свойства, их скрепляющего.

  17. Не стон, не вопль отчаяния, но Слово Благодарения слетает с уст Софии, Оком Всемудрости прозревающей всю тайную цель тех, кто преследует её ныне.

  18. Сила Любви Христовой испытана быть должна, прежде чем Христос явит отпечаток Следа Своего, погружаясь в Гиль.

  19. Идёт Своевольный по Миру, мечом разделяющим отсекая зёрна от плевел.

  20. Судит ли он гонителей и милует ли гонимых, — о том лишь Господь Бог наш ведает.

  21. Они перешли черту Огненную, не заметив последней линии, разделяющей два мира и два лагеря, печатью Света и Тьмы отмеченные.

  22. Назад не пройти, ибо все мосты сожжены, но впереди — Огонь больший.

  23. Но, не оглядываясь в прошлое, устремляются вослед Стопам Софии те, кто Силою притяжения магнетического не имеет желания отступить от цели тайной, руководящей всеми помыслами как светлыми, так и затуманенными покровами тайными.

  24. Пистис София от Первого Эона до Двадцать Седьмого проложила Мост Огненный, через мириады сфер протягивая Луч Единый, токами Всемудрости Божественной полнящийся, по которому всяк возжаждавший дойти к Истоку Истины может подниматься Эоны долгие, опираясь на Руку Водящую.

  25. За пределами Тайны Первой скрыта Тайна Вторая, которая Двадцатью Семью ступенями слагается.

  26. Они и вскроют Три Аминь, трижды по Девять явленные.

  27. Силы всех Эонов Двенадцати будут покрыты Силою Любви Эона Тринадцатого, из которого низошла София в Час Пришествия Сизигия её из Тайны Первой.

Terre du Ciel magazine. Review of "L'Évangile de Sophie la Force et la Sagesse de Dieu" (French edition of "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God")


Zinovia Dushkova is a well-known Russian author of more than forty literary and musical works. The Gospel she wrote is an unusual, puzzling, and therefore inspiring book. Twenty-seven chapters, each of which includes twenty-seven stanzas (we note in passing the symbolism of the factors of the number 108), represent a consistent chain of apophtegms, set out in a poetic and at the same time, undoubtedly, esoteric style. The essentially Christian narrative seeks forms of expression in the Greek and Hindu traditions.

“The time of Wisdom has come,” the preface says, “and blessed be the Spirit who removes the seal of silence from his mouth.” We are talking about an attempt to tell about the unspeakable, and therefore about what is beyond the visible correlates with the Eternal Truth, with cosmogony and eschatology. In other words, in this area, the human word immediately runs into its own limits and must resort to symbols, poetry, parables and myths, to all the means through which attempts were made to express the world and Being, going beyond the limits of reason. “... With great patience and humility, the heart carries out the Fiery service, despite the ardent attacks of the all-denying mind,” says Sophia.

To comprehend the Gospel of Sophia means to agree to penetrate the mystery, knowing that only brief flashes can be extracted from it, however, capable of illuminating a moment in the darkness of feelings with a glow. Sophia has always walked beside the Lord. She is the female manifestation of His essence, she is the one without whom nothing could have happened, the one who, out of Love, agreed to part with the Beloved. Thus, the Creation could take place. But now the time has come for Unity. Sophia tells us about tender Love, about suffering, which is necessary, however, from separation; about the painful process of returning to the Self. She is compassion, understanding, truth and justice. She infinitely loves the Creation, which became possible due to her separation from the Beloved. But she loves her Heavenly Spouse even more passionately: “And I know that by the purity of Love shown to your enemies, you experience the measure of heartfelt Love, therefore I openly show my Love for the Self-willed One in the name of Your Love, O my Beloved Spouse” . Only Sophia is able to reach such a level of Love, for she alone knows perfectly well that everything should have been the way it was.

It is necessary to indulge in the refined style of Zinovia Dushkova, to abandon attempts to understand and sort out at the expense of one's own knowledge what is being discussed here. Then each stanza can be read separately, contemplated, savored. Thus, new juice will be obtained from it, capable of drinking our everyday life, because "Everything is said for the human mind, but the story addressed to the heart is just beginning."

Ann Grossouvre
Magazine "Terre du Ciel", 68, 2004

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. Review of "The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God"

"The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God", of course, is not just a fiction or journalistic book. Undoubtedly, this is what belongs to the category of those precious treasures that people call sacred. The "Word" written on the pages of the Gospel of Sophia is "destined for Humanity." Like any sacred text, it is clothed, given the varying degree of perception of different people, in the form of symbols. Comprehension of the meaning of symbols, or the Language of Wisdom, requires taking into account its very important feature: one cannot literally understand what “has seven levels of presentation hidden behind the simplicity of the word ...”, and therefore not strive to “immediately embrace what lies beyond the line of Timelessness”. , with only one facet being available for contemplation" of ours. The language of Wisdom, the Gospel tells us, “is destined for the heart, the only one capable of penetrating into the mystery of the uttered Revelations,” and “what is incomprehensible today will be revealed tomorrow in all the splendor of the radiance of the rainbow,” if the Fiery thought of the all-wise is sufficiently assimilated.

The Gospel of Sophia is the “Gospel of Love, the Gospel of Love”, and therefore, composed with great Love in the name of Love, it is permeated with the currents of Love. It does not contain the knowledge that our mind always so eagerly seeks. Love, the Divine Fire, the Fire of a special sounding frequency, slips and burns the mind, which is incapable of assimilation of fiery food, since this great gift is meant to be food for the heart.

"The Gospel of Sophia - the Power and Wisdom of God" is given to mankind both as a warning and as a Helping Hand. Everything in the world is permeated with Divine currents. And “The Light of the Wisdom of God, multiplied in the world, willy-nilly leads to the need to breathe life-giving Fires... The circle outlined by the Earthly plan sharply narrows, and around it boils and seethes the Ocean of Divine Fire spreading in breadth... The whole Cosmos is saturated with the Spirit of Novelty.” “The Fire of Love does not know its own currents equal in Strength,” and nothing in the world can help a person if he is this Saving Flame - he rejects and does not learn to breathe it. “And in order to breathe the Divine Flame, one should have an open heart. But the soul that clings to the Word of the Most Pure One, speaking in the Name of the Son of God, will be able to open it with all measure.

"Knowledge leads to death if used to the detriment of the interests of the world around." Besides, knowledge and Wisdom are not the same thing. Knowledge is the lot of the mind, Wisdom is the heart. And today, more than ever, we are witnessing the fact that "the human mind has filled all the surrounding spheres with a note of destruction." A  “The note of Creation,” Sophia opens, “will be affirmed only when the human consciousness will have support on the heart.” Everything in the Cosmos has its own deadlines, and a Homo sapiens must give way to a Man of Heart.

The Great Mother of the World herself calls Her children, proclaiming the Word of Truth through the mouth of Sophia and giving an excellent opportunity to ascend above the highest to the Sources of Divine Wisdom, for "Divine Wisdom is the goal of advancing every good soul."

Sophia's mystery remains unsolved for centuries. Yes, we have little turned our gaze towards the Wisdom of God. However, everything has its time. And today, Sophia herself has given us the opportunity to open the secret: “I lay the key invisible to the eye in front of everyone’s heart, and if the spirit of quest is mighty, let it open the Gates of all my Secrets and dig the Holy Soils - the roots go deep, it’s not easy to immediately manifest them into the Light, but still be able to reveal the essence.

We can only bow in great gratitude to Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova for the Sacred Labor of her Fiery Heart, by which we are the only one alive today, and strive with all our hearts along the path that she selflessly paves into the starry heights! Touching this High Word of Truth gives birth in the heart only joy, endless gratitude and gratitude:


In the stream of heavenly light
You stand, Holy of Holies,
Covering with a veil of love
All cosmos, spheres, worlds!..

Wisdom and Power of God!
Sofia! Soul of Christ!
In the Glory of the Lights of Heaven
Came to the human world!

Flashing like a star of the East,
You rise like a purple dawn,
All-wise currents generously
Pour into thirsty hearts.

Glory to Thee, Mother of the World,
Sophia descended into the world!
Your Light, the Wise One, is eternal!
Your Spirit is invincible!


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy,
doctoral student of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
R.A. Paroshina

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