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Blessings of Giving

Every person is endowed with certain personal qualities from birth, but, as my experience shows, very rarely does anyone carry such a priceless treasure as the Grace of Giving. Very often I hear it in words, but, unfortunately, in reality it looks exactly the opposite. And it seems as if a person is trying to hide his true feelings behind a huge amount of "pompous" words. I have known such people since childhood, but, thank God, there are others who do not diverge from their word! It is to such people, of whom there are more and more, that I want to express my heartfelt gratitude, and first of all to those who congratulated me on my birthday through the website, Facebook, by e-mail...

July 19 is the most difficult day for me, for which I need to prepare in advance, establishing a special rhythm in all my structures, for it is the most saturated in terms of Spatial Labor. And already starting from midnight, the Fiery Hierarchy passes currents of a special nature through me, which can be Granted from Above precisely on this unique day for the entire Human Race. Sirius has been revered by many peoples of the world since ancient times, many legends, myths, and astronomical treatises have been dedicated to it. The heliacal rising of Sirius was surprisingly regular compared to other stars and had a period of almost exactly 365.25 days, keeping it constant relative to the Solar year, but you can read about this in more detail in my next book, "Archival and Diary Entries", which includes comments in the field of astrophysics.

In Cairo (ancient Heliopolis and Memphis) this sunrise took place on July 19 according to the Julian calendar, just before the beginning of the annual Nile flood in ancient times. It was on this day that initiations took place in special halls of the ancient pyramids, which were illuminated by the Sacred Ray of Sirius only on this day. And it is no coincidence that on this day I completed another cycle of the Fiery Experience, and the great Initiate of the Theban Sanctuary Thales the Argive Founded the beginning of the next book - "The Mystery of Sophia", which I wrote down over the course of several days... However, as more than thirty years ago, people who knew perfectly well that I should maintain a special state on this day, began to call me from midnight on long-distance lines. And then, when the mobile phone appeared, some people began to pass the phone number to each other without my consent and write to me around the clock, send hundreds of not always flattering videos, however, not only on this day, and also get offended if I did not immediately answer at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, and make claims if I answered too reservedly... As a result, about two hundred contacts were formed, both with people known and unknown to me, who began to attack me with their endless questions, the answers to which are mostly in published books, as well as those that are to be published in the coming years.

The circle of readers is expanding every day, because translations and publications are being made in other languages ​​of the world, the names of those asking questions are changing from America to Japan, practically going around the globe, and, as a rule, the same questions are being asked around the clock as they were thirty-odd years ago: “Who am I, what should I do, am I going there or not, what is my mission, who was I in the past, and who was this or that person or Teacher incarnated as?”, and so on and so forth. I understand that I would like to know as much as possible about my “beloved” self, but I cannot dig around and drag out all the ins and outs of thousands of thousands of people, turning to the past, and even more so burden the Lords of Light with those questions that you should ask exclusively your hearts. That is why the Teaching of the Heart and dozens of other books were Given; especially since I should not have immersed myself in the currents of the past for a long time, since work is underway with the energies of Future Races and Times!

And it must be said that all the books are arranged in such a way that you will find answers to the questions that concern you over time. The Akashic Chronicle always reflects what concerns people, and in accordance with them, certain Knowledge is Given from Above. I also feel those who have a lot of unspoken questions, but do not dare to ask them, realizing that they can steal not only my time, but also that especially precious time that is destined for Joint Work with the Hierarchy of Light. No one is wise who is not patient! Have patience, be grateful for what you already have, and patiently await the next Gifts. I was initially surprised by some people who knew that I, starting at 4 am, was writing down the Teaching of the Heart, and later other books that belong to the category of Sacred - nevertheless, they called and wrote to me at this time, not doubting in the least that they could interrupt my Dialogue with the Lord and wedge themselves into this Divine Process to tell them their next dream, which, from their point of view, I should decipher for them. I will not hide, I am also sinful, because once at the dawn of my first Recordings I also wanted to know what my dream meant, but the Lord Stopped me with one phrase: You have a Heart! And I was ashamed, realizing that the dream carried symbolism, which I should decipher myself, and it was given to me as another lesson.

My dears, I hope you understand that the Path of the Heart is special, and not everyone is given the opportunity to walk it, and therefore, I urge you, especially Russian speakers, who have had the honor of reading the greatest number of my books, Granted by the Masters, - having gained information, apply in your life those Advices that are Given from Above and do not burden other people's already heavy shoulders, placing on them the solution of your problems! You already know how difficult my Fiery Experience is, which continues, and not in the mountains, but mainly among people, which for the most part was not recorded and will remain unknown, because every day new tasks arise before me that carry inhuman loads... In the entire history of Mankind, only a few were able, like Thales the Argive, to pave the Path from the Mind to the Heart, and I am especially dear to those of you who truly live each book at the level of the heart, returning again and again to what you have already read in order to penetrate deeper into the essence and apply it in life, turning with a question not to me, but to your own heart.

Most often, the Mind stands as a Guardian of the Threshold, and blocks the way to the Heart, and for this it is necessary to honestly look inside yourself, to understand your psyche, and here an experienced specialist can help. Moreover, in recent days, many people need psychological help, although they are afraid to admit to themselves that without the help of a psychotherapist it will be difficult for them to get out of there, where they were driven either by their own will or by the circumstances... Believe me, your sincere heart impulse will always touch not only me, but also your Guardian Angels, if the heart vibrations are of the proper pitch, and can go much higher, piercing the Star Ocean. And regardless of whether you write me dozens of text messages a day with words of gratitude, or remain silent, realizing how important it is not to distract someone who literally walks on a string over an abyss, balancing between life and death, especially on the slope of his days, I will always be there, but only if your hearts acquire the Fiery Nature!..

My brothers, Slavs, despite the fact that in this Solar system special tasks have been placed on your shoulders by the Forces of Evolution, I would also like to say that I am also pleased with the representatives of other nations who selflessly help promote books in their countries. And how can I not share with you the joy when I read letters from English-speaking countries about readers who have begun to study Russian in order to read my books in the original, since they understand that much can be lost when translated into other languages. And how can I not rejoice when a Japanese person, having apologized for a couple of his questions, not having my books in Japanese, began to acquire books in English and Russian. Thus, through an automatic translator, he tries to structure the text in Japanese in order to share the joy of what he has read with his like-minded people; and again, turning to the works of E. P. Blavatsky and E. I. Roerich, with the aim of a deeper penetration into the essence of the books I have recorded. Here is a woman from Malaysia, who got lost among earthly teachers who contradict each other, wrote that all her life she listened to anyone but herself, and only now realized that the time has come to listen to herself, choosing the Path of the Heart. I am not even talking about my closest assistants from Ukraine, who share with me the disproportionately heavy burden of promoting the Gifts of Light not only in their long-suffering country, but also among other peoples, as a result of which other people respond, who begin to take bolder steps on the path to their own hearts! I cannot help but mention also a kind assistant, originally from Poland, who edited several translations of my books into English free of charge...

If you need only bare information, then this is not for me! But if you have chosen the same Path of Love-Wisdom, which I follow from life to life, then - you are welcome! Immeasurably Blessed are the Gifts of all the Forces of Light, for none of the Highest Hierarchs, as well as Their Messengers, would like to be in the role of pearl throwers. Accept, too, my Heartfelt gifts, which are crystallized between the lines - I also accept your messages, feeling your grateful hearts, silently accomplishing their feat of life. Of course, I would be grateful to everyone who shows the ability to establish a dialogue at the level of our hearts, and not receive hundreds of messages, when I received more than fifty SMS per day from just one person. As you understand, for this it is necessary to go an immeasurably long way, which can be calculated in more than one life, in order to continue it even when my Spirit returns to the Abode of the Heavenly Father. Of course, there is a shorter way - through the Feat! Well, if someone asks me: “How to move forward in the chosen direction?”, then I can only answer one thing: “Books are given to you as Fiery landmarks!”, and following the Lord of my Heart, I also repeat: “You have a Heart!”

Blessed be the Path of your Heart!

With Love and Gratitude to you - Givers of Heavenly Blessings,

Zinovya Dushkova



P.S. If you would like to send Zinovia Vasilievna words of gratitude (in verse or prose) or your reviews of the books you have read, please send them to the email They will be published on the website in the section of the same name.

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