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The Mystery of Christ — The Mystery of Sophia
Электронная книга
The book “The Mystery of Christ — the Mystery of Sophia” continues the narrative begun by a Great Initiate of the Theban Sanctuary, Thales of Argos, revealing some secret pages of the Past, Present and Future. You will again meet both heroes and antiheroes. Some have grown in courage and heroism; others became more sophisticated in torture and persecution of the Messengers of Light. The renegades have been following the path of betrayal since the times when the Four Times Greatest Arraim the Wise brought a group of light people, who were the Messengers of the Distant Worlds, to a certain continent from once flourishing Antarctica. And subsequently they crossed paths many times, flowing into human flesh from one life to another, and now they appeared at the finish Fiery line, summing up the fateful outcomes. The Mystery of Christ continues, and Heavenly Sophia is already prepared to raise the Sword of Cosmic Justice.